New site:
Visit Piebird’s online store for our heirloom seeds and art:
Continue Reading "2020"New site:
Visit Piebird’s online store for our heirloom seeds and art:
Continue Reading "2020" →2019 Workshop & Events schedule — Next open house date: Sunday June 16th See:
Sunday afternoon August 4th
Today marks 13 years of Piebird, so we’re celebrating all of you who use your lives to make this world a beautiful place. We are grateful for all of you who inspire and empower and uplift. We are grateful for all who put their energies towards confronting the systems of oppression, and who work to…Continue Reading “Piebird celebrates 13 years!” →
We were honoured to host Ben and Kevin from The Livegan Podcast last night here at Piebird Farm Sanctuary for an evening chat about sanctuary. You can listen here:
Continue Reading "Piebird on the Livegan Podcast" →BREAKING NEWS: Sunshine has been liberated! Read more:
NEW: Monthly Letter Club, join:
NEW: Peacebird Animal Liberation Cooperative, a vegan eco village / interspecies intentional community here at Piebird Farm Sanctuary. see:
BOOK YOUR STAY: Piebird’s Birdhouse Cottage, book your retreat:
Continue Reading "Piebird Farm Sanctuary / Vegan Farmstay" →Piebird is a happy place to inspire kindness. We (Sherry & Yan) started Piebird in 2005 as a place of Peace-filled smiles upon the path to Animal Liberation.
As a sanctuary, 29 feathered and four-legged friends call Piebird their loving home. As a sanctuary, we dedicate our lives to their lives. As a sanctuary, we dedicate our lives to Animal Liberation — because simply, liberty lives in every heart. Animal Liberation is as essential as every other liberty. If we are not all free, then none of us will ever be. As a sanctuary we advocate for Animal Liberation, Veganism, and love!
(For the sanctuary portion of Piebird, this year is a time where the continuing evolution makes its presence felt. Consider supporting the sanctuary.)
As a farmstay, you are invited to come stay and experience this peace. If being amongst love and sanctuary is your idea of welcomed goodness, then Piebird Vegan Farmstay might be the place for you! (Birdhouse Cottage rental)
As a small seed co, this fertile soil here breathes inspiration into the heartbeats of gardeners everywhere. Feel that rousing in the roots? Feel that roaring in the heart? These seeds support sanctuary and inspire love!
Below are some dates for our 2019 Workshop series
We’re returning to our core of offering an abundance of empowering workshops for you. For our first thirteen years here we engaged the community with a plethora of workshops and learning opportunities, but as the sanctuary responsibilities have grown, these educational experiences became fewer. So, we’re very excited to again share this sanctuary space as a place of sharing knowledge!
Continue Reading "2019 Workshops & Events" →From their happy pasture where the grasses glow in the afternoon Sun, to their play-yard where smiles are ever-lasting, the goat-friends govern their own days, free to be. Maybe MommaBill will lead a parade. Maybe FreedaFreeFree will find a sunbeam big enough for everyone to bliss-out in. Maybe Sunshine will watch over the younger ones as they stay up late enjoying the lovely soul of moonlight. Maybe Mercy will make a new friend. Or maybe Jollygood will just flash a smile that sends out reverberations to inspire the VeganLove revolution. For the goat-friends here in sanctuary, every day is their own to enjoy in a gentle way. Love lives here.
The chicken friends who live free here at Piebird are capable of great giant joys that hopefully inspire uprisings and revolts to further the vegan revolution! From Daffy dust-bathing in a sunbeam, to Otty leading an adventure to her new favourite secret spot, to Poppy contemplating which came first, her egg or her personhood — Everyone is free to be who they are without any expectation or exploitation, free to be their own persons.
Come flock and gather to meet the turkey-friends here in sanctuary and help create a safe space for them to dance and fly. See our page: Everything you need to fall in Love with Turkey-friends.
The need for kindness is beyond dispute. Creating a kind world for all turkey-friends will require efforts from all of us. Living with the turkey-friends that call Piebird their home has helped inspire us immensely. They inspire the moral courage of kindness. A kindness knows goodness and compels goodness.
Continue Reading "Turkey Friends" →As a family, the duck-friends are the newest friends to come live here in sanctuary. In their own way, they each have a zest for life that is truly contagious and inspires hope in us.
We built them a funky 8-sided house and planted their favourite plants all around it. They have a clover meadow out the back and a pool where they swim, splash and relax poolside, preening themselves in the sunshine. The duck-friends love to explore and find interesting things behind and under everything, mostly they find freedom.
A couple colonies of bee-friends live free here in sanctuary at Piebird Farm Sanctuary, in homes of their own design (we build them funky hollow log structures where they are safe, free and entirely independent inside). This time of year all of the dandelions and tree blossoms are full of little ladies working away. You…Continue Reading “Bee Friends” →
Let this be a call to all the happy hearts who are interested in living with community in dedication to Animal Liberation. Introducing: Peacebird Animal Liberation Cooperative — a vegan community at Piebird Farm Sanctuary in Nipissing, Ontario — an interspecies intentional community focused around sanctuary and dedicated to Animal Liberation and respecting animal-personhood.
Continue Reading "New: Peacebird Animal Liberation Cooperative" →As a sanctuary we try to empower peace. Do take a quiet moment of reflection to pause and consider how you and we can all facilitate more freedoms into the lives around us. Be mindful towards finding new and meaningful ways of respecting the personhood and autonomy of all animal-persons. By exploring radical forms of respect, sanctuary becomes a means of revolution. Thank you for adding to this. This is the kind of peace created together that you can take with you when you leave.
This week Piebird celebrates 12 years! That’s 12 years of sharing new forms of connection, friendship, love and living-together with animal-persons that will lead to a broader peace — a peace based on establishing the sovereignties of all animal-persons and respecting everyone as individuals with sentience, love, language, laughter, family, friendship, community, creativity, imagination, joy and rights. This is the work we do at Piebird Farm Sanctuary. We invite you to invite this peace into you life!
Be love, be vegan. -Yan & Sherry, August 12th 2017
Continue Reading "Welcome Peacemakers!" →As a sanctuary, our efforts should always foster escalating freedoms. We consider the ever-maturing practice of liberation to be an essential part of what it means for a sanctuary to be a sanctuary. There is always room for furtherance and growth when we are trying to uplift others. So from efforts in restoration of respect and the sustentation of love, we rise to take this push for justice to fresh altitudes, always. This substantiates itself these days by our focus of working to culturally communicate the personhood of all animals. Come participate in sanctuary and learn from the animal-persons here who call this interspecies community their home.
Continue Reading "About Piebird Farm Sanctuary" →FreedaFreeFree and LibbyBirdy came to sanctuary at the same time and chose each other as their sanctuary-sister. Always together, they have an embodiment of sisterhood that is visibly luminous. Individually they are very different from each other, but they help each other be the best version of themselves. Their togetherness is inspiring!
Hey friends, here’s the bent-wood “Dirt Church” Greenhouses that we’re making. This model is “The Seed” and is 7×10 ft with bent cedar bows and flower mandalas front and back. Info / ordering below… The gothic arch architecture is a funky space for your soil worship. It’s a cathedral for your kale! — The back…Continue Reading “Greenhouses — for order by Piebird” →
Join us for the 9th annual Piebird Picnic & Garden Concert — Saturday August 12th 2017
Continue Reading "Piebird Picnic Garden Concert 2017" →Keeping urban backyard chickens to consume their eggs is a movement based on myth and misconception. The reality is that “backyard eggs” are participating-in and proliferating a harm that is hidden. This associated harm doesn’t show up in Pinterest boards so it’s easy for the well intentioned would-be chicken-keeper to only see the romanticized perception…Continue Reading “Backyard hens for eggs?” →
Our friend Sunshine is a very happy person. As a member of our family, Sunshine makes us laugh every day and we make him smile — and oh, he has the biggest smile we have ever seen! He loves to smile and he has a billion reason to — some of those reasons are that he is loved, respected, healthy and free.
Three years ago, the Canadian Government wanted to kill him. This ill-mannered behaviour is part of an “eradication program” by the CFIA. That was the beginning of what has grown into a vividly unpleasant relationship with this Agency.
Inspired by Sunshine, in the Autumn of 2016 we made a declaration as “Conscientious Objectors to the War against Animals” to representatives of the Government of Canada (CFIA) when they came to the sanctuary. You can learn more about Sunshine’s story & our Conscientious Objector claim here:
Continue Reading "Sunshine, the happiest goat-friend" →Daffodil (Daffy) is a beautiful friend. She is an inspiring survivor of the egg industry. Now, here in sanctuary, she is thriving!
It took her over a year to recover from her previous life. All of the chicken friends here in sanctuary come from previous lives of oppression where head-shaking exploitation were infringements on their freedom, and Daffy’s story is a reminder that here in sanctuary, freedom is victorious!
Daffy is a kind and trusting friend to us and to the new arrivals in sanctuary. She is always the first to welcome new friends to the flock, most recently Ray.
Continue Reading "Meet Daffodil" →Ray came to sanctuary in December 2016, and immediately melted all the hearts with love. He is a cheerful fellow who likes to snuggle and dance. Even though he is tiny tiny in size, he is very very brave in this big big world. Ray is also fairly puffy and quite fluffy. He reminds us to dance every morning before breakfast. And insists upon it!
Roy came to sanctuary in 2011. He is a kind friend and takes his responsibility as a rooster very seriously. He is protective of his hen friends, although feeling secure and knowing love, he his a very gentle person.
Continue Reading "Meet Roy" →Sanctuary should present a revolutionary vision. We very much see it as a revolutionary project to inspire society to have respectful relationships with the non-human world.
New ideas of peace, justice and love are always germinating, seeking to find their way into the light. As a sanctuary, our felt-responsibility is to give new ideas and new ways a space to be, to allow them to take root in life.
The best way to visit is to either come and stay or attend one of our monthly sanctuary tours. Sign up to our email list to be alerted of the schedule.
(If you live far, far away, you can catch up with the friends online, although we are actively moving the sanctuary away from social media: Instagram – Facebook – Twitter )
Interested in volunteering regularly at the sanctuary? Contact us if you are interested in volunteer opportunities for the sanctuary residents, or as part of our community outreach.
This is our fourth year of offering a unique opportunity for the perfect applicant(s) to participate in the good sanctuary life here and to turn their values of compassion into hands-on experience. See:—
Introducing Peacebird Animal Liberation Cooperative! A vegan eco-village and interspecies intentional community at Piebird Farm Sanctuary / Vegan Farmstay. See:
Piebird is a happy place to inspire kindness. We (Sherry & Yan) started Piebird in 2005 as a place of Peace-filled smiles upon the path to Animal Liberation. Contact us
We’re grateful for your support! Become a monthly donor: — One-time donations:
Donations and sponsorships are always appreciated to help support the sanctuary work we do here. Your generosity directly supports the lives of the sanctuary residents in meaningful and simple ways. Donations also support our outreach advocacy and sanctuary expansion.
We had lots of fun creating beautiful things for you, please do check out our online store:
As a sanctuary, we put our heart into a way of living that brings peace to those around us — in every way.
If you are interested in being a part of this loving and learning community, please do pay attention to the messages we speak to the world, to ensure that our efforts of “Peaceful Powered Animal Liberation” fits with your worldview.
As the sanctuary has developed, we have tried to create a space where Peace makes it’s presence felt. Being caregivers for the family of animal-friends who lives here is a form of love-based activism. Through meaningful experiences, guests here inspire themselves to care about life, Earth, one another, to critically examine social justice issues, and to foster skills and adopt actions that will help birth Peace. We are inspired by them as well. This mutual inspiration helps us all further understand our ethical, environmental and social responsibilities.
Continue Reading "Residency Experience at Piebird Farm Sanctuary / Farmstay (Ontario)" →We feel fortunate to host a broad cross-section of guest who come stay at Piebird and share different ambitions and different dedications towards the common good of achieving a better world. The diversity of their good desires are all linked together by the similarity of hope. Yet something more than hope is happening. All around us, we see hope in action.
That inner certainty of good people with good visions has been momentously inspiring to us. As we enter our twelfth year we feel enriched by the wealth of spirit and creativeness we see that brings about freedom and inspires peace.
As a sanctuary, our effort is for freedom, and any undertaking of freedom must be as broad as freedom itself. For freedom to approach liberation, it must be immensely generous with it’s inclusion. So we take an intersectional approach to work towards making mere freedom become true liberation.
As a sanctuary, we recognize and celebrate all efforts against injustice and hierarchy in the here and now — and we build a reflective place based on meaningful solidarity with all of those efforts.
If we are celebrating truthfulness here, then togetherness is always more transformative than anything less.
Continue Reading "Sanctuary means intersectionality" →Saturday May 13th! Mother’s Day Weekend!
Why not show your love for all Mothers by participating in a vegan cafe and supporting sanctuary! Open house times: 10-1 with tours on the half-hour.
Reservations are suggested so we know how much food to prepare — contact us at 705-724-1144,
Saturday June 17th! Father’s Day Weekend!
Share your love of sanctuary with your Dad! Open house times: 10-1 with tours on the half-hour.
Other Summer schedule of monthly open-house / sanctuary-tour dates will be announced soon. Sign up to our email list to be in the know:
Continue Reading "Monthly open-house dates / Open house Cafe at the sanctuary" →The 2nd annual Pancakes for Peace! at Piebird Farm Sanctuary was a great success! Sign up to our email list to be in the know about the next one:
Saturday April 15th, 10 to noon.
To make a reservation: or 705.724.1144
Vegan & Gluten-free. Includes a sanctuary tour. Promoting peace and supporting the animal-friends at Piebird Farm Sanctuary.
Continue Reading "Pancakes for Peace – Sat April 15th" →Piebird Farm Sanctuary will have a booth at the Powassan Maple Syrup Festival. Come see us there: Saturday, April 22nd.
Continue Reading "Piebird will be at the Powassan Maple Syrup Festival – April 22nd" →Save the date: our annual Piebird Picnic & Garden Concert is Saturday, August 12th, 2017. Stay tuned for details!
Continue Reading "Annual Piebird Picnic – August 12th" →