BREAKING NEWS: Sunshine has been liberated! Read more:

NEW: Monthly Letter Club, join:

NEW: Peacebird Animal Liberation Cooperative, a vegan eco village / interspecies intentional community here at Piebird Farm Sanctuary. see:

BOOK YOUR STAY: Piebird’s Birdhouse Cottage, book your retreat:

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Piebird Farm Sanctuary, Ontario - Retreat

Piebird is a happy place to inspire kindness. We (Sherry & Yan) started Piebird in 2005 as a place of Peace-filled smiles upon the path to Animal Liberation.

As a sanctuary, 29 feathered and four-legged friends call Piebird their loving home. As a sanctuary, we dedicate our lives to their lives. As a sanctuary, we dedicate our lives to Animal Liberation — because simply, liberty lives in every heart. Animal Liberation is as essential as every other liberty. If we are not all free, then none of us will ever be. As a sanctuary we advocate for Animal Liberation, Veganism, and love!

(For the sanctuary portion of Piebird, this year is a time where the continuing evolution makes its presence felt. Consider supporting the sanctuary.)

As a farmstay, you are invited to come stay and experience this peace. If being amongst love and sanctuary is your idea of welcomed goodness, then Piebird Vegan Farmstay might be the place for you! (Birdhouse Cottage rental)

As a small seed co, this fertile soil here breathes inspiration into the heartbeats of gardeners everywhere. Feel that rousing in the roots? Feel that roaring in the heart? These seeds support sanctuary and inspire love!

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Peacebird Cooperative


Let this be a call to all the happy hearts who are interested in living with community in dedication to Animal Liberation. Introducing: Peacebird Animal Liberation Cooperative — a vegan community at Piebird Farm Sanctuary in Nipissing, Ontario — an interspecies intentional community focused around sanctuary and dedicated to Animal Liberation and respecting animal-personhood.

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As a sanctuary we try to empower peace. Do take a quiet moment of reflection to pause and consider how you and we can all facilitate more freedoms into the lives around us. Be mindful towards finding new and meaningful ways of respecting the personhood and autonomy of all animal-persons. By exploring radical forms of respect, sanctuary becomes a means of revolution. Thank you for adding to this. This is the kind of peace created together that you can take with you when you leave.

This week Piebird celebrates 12 years! That’s 12 years of sharing new forms of connection, friendship, love and living-together with animal-persons that will lead to a broader peace — a peace based on establishing the sovereignties of all animal-persons and respecting everyone as individuals with sentience, love, language, laughter, family, friendship, community, creativity, imagination, joy and rights. This is the work we do at Piebird Farm Sanctuary. We invite you to invite this peace into you life!

Be love, be vegan. -Yan & Sherry, August 12th 2017

Continue Reading "Welcome Peacemakers!"