Saturday May 13th! Mother’s Day Weekend!

Why not show your love for all Mothers by participating in a vegan cafe and supporting sanctuary! Open house times: 10-1 with tours on the half-hour.

Reservations are suggested so we know how much food to prepare — contact us at 705-724-1144,

Saturday June 17th! Father’s Day Weekend!

Share your love of sanctuary with your Dad! Open house times: 10-1 with tours on the half-hour.

Other Summer schedule of monthly open-house / sanctuary-tour dates will be announced soon. Sign up to our email list to be in the know:

Continue Reading "Monthly open-house dates / Open house Cafe at the sanctuary"

The 2nd annual Pancakes for Peace! at Piebird Farm Sanctuary was a great success! Sign up to our email list to be in the know about the next one:

Saturday April 15th, 10 to noon.

To make a reservation: or 705.724.1144

Vegan & Gluten-free. Includes a sanctuary tour. Promoting peace and supporting the animal-friends at Piebird Farm Sanctuary.

Continue Reading "Pancakes for Peace – Sat April 15th"